
(630) 654-4040

If you are in need of service or parts in the Chicagoland area, you can contact United Cash Register and Computer Company directly at 630-654-4040. We do have a supply of new and used parts that can help keep your system operating during this difficult time for businesses.

Some of the dealers that have been servicing our United brand machines have told customers that there are no parts and they should consider a new POS system. Our consulting division has received many complaints from businesses about high credit card fees and conflicts between the credit card processing and POS systems. We have been asked what is the best system or software to use.

The problem the POS business is having is the changing way applications work with the software programs and POS terminals using Windows or an Android system. The biggest complaint is when they fix one problem it may create another problem. We have been telling customers that they may be better served by keeping the credit card machine and POS system separate for now.

The credit card companies are in competition against each other and have been known to lower fees to keep a customer from switching processing companies. One type of processing used in restaurants is a hand held credit card machine that can be carried to the table and process the credit card from the customers printed POS receipt that was left with the customer. The tip can be put in at that time and the receipt is printed at the table for the customer to sign. Some POS systems print the total on the customer bill and below it they have a place to write the tip and charge total on it.

If you need any help as to which Cash Register Dealer to use for your United system or have any questions, please give us a call.

United Cash Register & Computer Company
Corporate Office
71 Wells Street, Fox Lake, IL. 60020